So I have started as I mean to carry on and have already done a couple of short,flat walks.
The Cotswold way.
Scott and I walked part of the Cotswold way a week or so ago. It was a good starting point for me. At just over 4 miles and pretty flat it was ideal. Scott picked me up and we arrive at our start point a little over 10 minutes later. We pulled in at the layby at the top of Landsdown near to the Bevell Grenville monument and got kitted up. Whilst it was a short walk we had decided to shoulder our packs as a bit of added resistance and to "road test" some of the kit. I also used my walking poles to see how I got on with them as I know I'll need them on Snowdon and I have heard its worth getting used to walking with them as its not quite as easy as it seems.
So we set off along the escarpment and soon had fine views back over towards Keynsham and Dundry. We soon arrived at the point where a battle took place in the 1600's and a information board details the events. We the picked up the Landsdown golf course and cut through to the escarpment again following the contour of the hills as they bend around towards Bath.
At about the halfway point we found a nice hollow to sit in out of the wind and get a brew on. Again in the interest of testing kit out came the stoves and we made tea the wild way!
Getting a brew on!
Walking on a little further we soon arrived at Prospect style. This point offers fine views of Bath and on a good day Westbury White Horse is visible. There is also a path at this point to Kelston Tump. A lone hill with a clump of trees at the top visible on the horizon from many parts of the Bristol area. We stopped here to admire the view breifly and take some photo's before heading off once more.
Looking out to Kelston Tump from Prospect style
Following the path we soon met the Landsdown golf course and cut acroos here to a path leading through woodland and finally back to the road a short way from the car.
It was a great starting point for me and I thouroughly enjoyed being out and Scott is always great company so I had a good day. The knees ached a little and reminded me to just take things easy to begin with and then ramp it up as I get fitter.
You can follow the route we took on the link below-
Lansdown walk